Such a fun trip. We planned to hike with Michelle and Jon and kids a few weeks ago, but of course, something happened and we had to cancel. Seemed only right we should try again, so we did! Took this hike Sunday night, after a nice rainy day. It always amazes me, this great state of mine. California just has it all. I feel like within a few dozen miles any direction, I can be in a place that looks SO different from where I live. I love California.
I think it's only fair to share that this hike was meant to be a hike to a waterfall. But we never saw a waterfall - because of me, I did not know there was any other trail around, so we only went on the one I'd been on! We did see lots of other stuff, though. We were gone for two hours - the best two hours to hike - from 6 - 8 pm I think. It was wonderful. The sunset was beautiful. The company was so fun.
We saw muddy dirty creek water from the rains earlier that day. We saw quicksand. We felt quicksand. We saw dirty shoes, lizards, birds, bugs, and lots of rocks. Michelle got hit by a boulder tumbling down a hill. We saw Bobby roll down the side of a mountain and get up without being injured.
We saw the wrong trail, no trail, and saw ourselves become trailblazers - especially in Bobby's case. He REALLY blazed a trail down that hill. I have no pictures. I was too worried about my daughter having a heart attack thinking her dad had broken limbs. As he was falling, I was already sorting out which part of his body I'd help carry if we had to help him get to the car - I was going to take one of his feet, Michelle would take the other, and Jon would have grabbed him from the armpits...we coulda done it, but I'm glad we didn't have to.
We had SO much fun with these people. They are good, jolly, optimistic, fun hikers, even though we were being bitten by mosquitoes and had to constantly put kids' shoes BACK on after they'd get them stuck in quicksand.
We burned a lot of calories. told me that I burned more than 700. I'm happy with that. Bobby gets extra calories for his "tumbling." He's fine, by the way. Two seconds after his fall, he got up and put Jack back on his shoulders and finished the wrong way hike. Good job everyone. Next time, I think we'll go see the waterfall.
This one:

Yup, I saw it on our drive THAT's where the waterfall is. Got it. Next time, guys....I promise! We'll see it!

Ok, I will be calling you for this location. I think Cam and Chris might be going hiking on Sunday and this looks perfect!! Glad you had fun!
nice blog...keep posting...
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