Tuesday, March 27, 2012


That means For Your Information, If You Care. I just made it up. Okay I promise not to use it again.
Anyway, here are just a few little random thoughts that don't fit anywhere else.
-I run with this friend of mine who doesn't run very regularly, so every time we run together, I hear her make excuses and start to complain a little about being out of breath, or maybe her shoes not fitting perfectly, or having worn the wrong pants/shorts/shirt or things like that. It's a big downer, and I try to talk her out of it and I really want to just yell at her and say "JUST RUN, OH MY GOODNESS, you are NOT dying!" But if I say that, I'm going to look like a big nerd on the street corner yelling at myself.
-So today I took that girl biking. She didn't complain at all, until her chain came off, and then I heard her say some interesting words, but at least she could fix it and she and I made it home safely - 6 mile ride in 38 minutes. That wasn't meant to impress anyone, just purely informational. Now if I could only RUN 6 miles in 38 minutes, that would be AWESOME! But that girl always gets in the way.
-I watched DWTS last night - that's Dancing With The Stars for those of you who don't care - you are who I was talking about when I said IYC. It was week 2, so we (my littles and I) looked up week 1 and watched some of it. My kids are particularly fond of Roshon Fegan because they watch all things Disney Channel, so I think Alyssa and Sidney will root for him. Jack and I cracked up for a long time when Sherri Sheppard referred to herself as a big baby, so we might root for her. But I really like Gavin DeGraw's music, so I want to root for him. And I was SUPER impressed with Maria Menounos and her laugh and her dancing, so I root for her too. My kids think it's VERY strange to see Laura from Little House on the Prairie now that she's grown up.
-I'm having some MAJOR issues with motivation - unless we're talking about motivation to be on the computer or sit and talk to my mom in my kitchen, or go outside and do something. But motivation to finish laundry, or clean up something, or fix something, I have none for that. I'm going to try to better motivate myself and peel myself off of all electronics in the mornings. We'll see how that works.
-I just got a reminder about Jack's graduation! Jack's preschool graduation! $25 graduation fee, paid - that gets us a cap and gown and I don't even know what else!!!! I don't ask enough questions. But I'm sure I can expect teary eyes and lots of photos some time in June.
-10 weeks until my kids are out of school. Yes, we have started the countdown. It's written on each of the weeks in the calendar right on the fridge. When I explained to them how long a summer is, they got VERY sad. Both girls thought summer was much more than just 2.5 months. I think they imagined 6 months or so in their heads!
-I had one cryer when school started up this week - one lonely cryer who didn't want to head back to class. It brought me back to the days when I HATED to leave my mom. I had those days. Somedays I just HATED to leave the house and leave my mom behind, or I hated the feeling of being dropped off at the bus stop and watching her drive away. But I also remember that about 4 seconds later I'd see a friend's face and forget why I was sad. My cryer soon forgot yesterday, too, and that cryer is fine now.
-I'm looking out for a good movie to come out soon, that I can watch with my kids, that is based on a book that I can read with them first. I'm on a hunt for this. I want them to have that feeling I had when I read and then waited for and then watched the Hunger Games. By the way, I loved the Hunger Games, and I'm blown away and shocked at all the hubbub and shock about this movie and how it's "kids killing kids." I think the author did a WONDERFUL job and the directors and cast of the movie did a wonderful job and I really enjoyed the story. Will my 10 and 8 yr olds read it? No. I won't let them for another 3 or 4 years at least. I'm just sad about all the negativity surrounding it, usually by people who haven't read it. Back to the book turned movie to watch with my kids...anyone know of anything coming out soon that fits that bill?


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