Friday, September 16, 2011

goals and running and pinning and costco and.....

I love how my friend Kelly posts random thoughts on her blog - just the basics of what's going on. Today I'm copying Kelly - copying is supposed to be flattering, right? MY version of copying is.

Okay, first, I've been doing a lot of copying lately. With Pinterest giving me access to SO many wonderful ideas in every possible corner of life, I've been stealing ideas left and right - decorating, sewing, gifts, crafts, etc. I love it. I check out my pinterest mostly on the home computer or on the ipad, because it's too small on my phone and since I have a Droid phone, there's no app for that yet. Lame. But I can spend a LOT of time on pinterest, and sometimes feel guilty about it. But then last night, while on pinterest, I saw something someone else had pinned and it said something like:
Time wasted isn't wasted if you enjoyed it.
I may have super botched that quote, but it's along those lines. And I liked it.
Okay, now I have to go and find it so I can properly quote it.

 I found it on pinterest, originally posted HERE on
Okay, so I DID mess it up pretty bad, but I love the point of it. Really, I do spend some time on pinterest that I could be doing something else, but can't you say that about anything? I get ideas from it, and I sit and look at it while I have my better half in bed occupied by a good Dodger game or something...and I do notice, every now and then, he's peeking at it too. He likes the quotes. And he probably really enjoys hearing about all the stuff I WANT to do, but probably will never get around to.

I just ran. Pretty big deal. I'd call myself much more of a sprinter than a long distance runner, if by sprinting you could venture to imagine someone running about 50 feet with all their might, pretending to be chased by a gorilla, and almost fainting from loss of breath. So I just ran ONE MILE without stopping to spit, or undo and redo my hair, or complain, or catch my breath. I just kept telling myself "if you run the entire thing, you can blog about it. If you can't run it, you can't blog it." So anyway, pretty big deal to me - one mile, done. Now just to work toward that December half marathon. Wish me some luck. By the way, my new running shoes are Asics from Ross - $23.99. I thought they were SUCH a good deal, but I do have to say, they feel like the "bottom of the line" Asics instead of my TOP OF THE LINE Asics I already own, which were about $70 and killed me to pay that kind of money on. I'm so cheap, which leads me to the next thought. Running around the street loop that my house is on is .46 miles. Tonight I ran two of those loops without stopping to walk. It's my goal to run around it THREE times straight, no matter what speed, the next time I run it (which might be tomorrow morning!).

I went through a really hard time concerning my overwhelming feelings toward Costco. I LOVE to shop, and I LOVE to try on clothes and buy gifts for people and blah blah blah, but I think I'm allergic to spending more than $45 at a time at any given store. Not to say I don't do that - I have to - I just don't like how it feels. I'd rather nickel and dime (haha, what an old analogy, I haven't used a nickel or dime in forever) myself to death at Target or JoAnns or WalMart or anywhere really. But with the big checkout bills, I get clammy and nervous and I don't care how much there is in the bank with my name on it, I fear my card malfunctioning, like maybe it's been bent or sitting next to a magnet, or rubbed up on my phone or another card, and consequently I'd be LOOKING like I can't pay for something. So you can imagine how Costco makes me feel - it's like a mini tiny anxiety attack, except I'm able to breathe and don't need meds. Every single time I input my ATM code at Costco, I want to vomit, and I think I'm entering the wrong number, because it's not one of those "memorable" easy numbers like I invent for other things. No, this number gives me doubt every time I put it in, I always think it's wrong. It's like groundhog's day. I say to myself "is it THIS way or THIS way, which order do these numbers go in?" So there was a long period of time that I HATED to be the one who had to do the Costco shopping, because there was never a bill under $200 and that made me want to bite my nails. Also, if I left it for Bobby to do on his way home from work, he always ended up buying better stuff and spending more money and we were all just happier and I never had a nervous breakdown about it. But now, it's swung back over to me tackling the Costco trips, and I'm learning to love Costco again. I went this week, because I starve my car of gas until I reach Costco (poor Tahoe Tessy), because the cheapster in me thinks that if I get gas ANYWHERE else, they're stealing from me. After getting gasoline, walking around Costco was kind of a treat for Jack and me. And what cracked me up the most was the checkout, where I saw the most peculiar combinations of items being purchased by the people around me. The guy behind me was buying only coffee beans and iron pills. The people next to me were buying a big TV, which I felt envious of, and on top of it was a container of nuts. Walking out to the car, my favorite combo ever, was a guy carrying new jeans folded on top of that monster crate of eggs. I guess these combos could be made elsewhere (Target, or WalMart, for instance) but at Costco, with no bags, and everything being so huge, it was just very funny. Jack and I laughed about the guy with the jeans and the eggs for quite a while. The point of my story is, I'm finding the funny in Costco to make it a little easier for me. It's like a comic strip in there. It's my goal to just have fun in there next time and not feel any sort of nervousness.

Part of why my blog name is messyjessy is because I think of myself as pretty messy in my brain and in my projects. I am SO in over my head right now with little crafts and projects. I promise myself I won't start one until the first one is finished, but it's not working. I am SO MessyJessy right now. I have sewing stuff out, paper stuff out, the kids have painting stuff out, and when I say OUT I mean it's taking up some sort of flat table-ish surface (okay, some of it takes up floor) and it's very cluttering and as much fun as the craft itself is, the mayhem around is not. I need less Messy and more Jessy.
(My name is also MessyJessy because I do that thing where I leave my clothes in piles of what I wore that day - so you can look around and see what I was rockin' on Thursday, or maybe Wednesday or Tuesday even, just by the little mound of clothes I leave behind. I've done that forever, I wish it would stop. But to stop, I probably have to do something about it.) Okay, it's my goal to put my clothes away RIGHT away for the next week. If I ask it of my kids, I oughtta be doing it myself, right?

I'm still pretty terrified of earthquakes, and I'm very happy to report I did not feel the earthquake this week that was very close to my house. I was awake, just walking around and getting kids out the door, so thank God for that. Feeling an earthquake puts me into that old Costco mood I was referring to before. I found someone who fears them as much if not moreso than I do, just talked to her about it today, and that made me feel good. Feels good to know other people's crazyness along with your own.

I take SO many pictures, but I'm getting frustrated with myself for not printing them or decorating my walls with them. It's my new goal to take some good shots of my kids (TOGETHER) to frame and get up on my walls BY CHRISTMAS. It's also my goal to take TWO Pinterest ideas I've pinned for MY OWN HOME and finish those by Christmas. Those seem doable.

I think I need to hold the reins a little tighter and get done the things I look so forward to doing, instead of just "pinning" them and saving them for later.



Jessy said...

running goal - not met today - did go three loops (1.5 miles) but had to stop and walk fast 3 times, couldn't run consistently for the 1.5 mile. Will try again!

Kelly said...

You should calculate how long that garbonzo size bag of cereal from Costco will last...and how much per week it actually ends up being. That might help you feel better! :) Those $1 here $2 there trips to Target actually got us into trouble a few years back. I rationalized that I wasn't buying big ticket items...but all those added up to way more than I had thought. So my final word: Feel good about Costco! Big or small purchases! :)