Sunday, August 28, 2011

two shots

Every once in a while, as I look through the many many photos I took during a fun outing, I find one or two that REALLY look cool and make me happy I dragged my camera along! These are from our day at the San Diego Wild Animal Park (Safari Park, I guess they call it now) and during our 8 hours there I took about 930 pictures. THESE are the NON-people shots that are my favorites (even though I tend to shy away from non-people shots, because what in the world will I ever do with them?):

Lorikeet pecking order

Gorilla with her 2 1/2 month old baby, Monroe - she's never let her out of her arms. I think that's amazing.

Now that I look at them again, these "NON-PEOPLE" certainly are acting very people-like in these photos! Probably why I took them.

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