Friday, March 25, 2011

I get her

Especially after I post something cute about Jack or Sid, or Sid's drawings, I have the twinge of Mommy Fairness and I have to make sure I'm keeping up on my end of the bargain of bragging on each kid. I think this kid gets bragged on SO much that I don't want to overdo it sometimes, for fear that the "YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL/SMART/ATHLETIC/PRETTY/NICE/SWEET" will go to her head. The picture above makes me think about how much I DON'T LIKE being separated from this kiddo - that fence in between us when she plays ball, I hate that fence. I want to be standing right there next to her and hear her little comments and worries and giggles. She's a thinker. But then she's also a lot like me, and I get her. So because I get her, and usually completely understand her and where she's coming from, I tend to find myself feeling like I have to work less to let her know how much I adore her. Then I realize that and go make up for it, times a thousand, and then my kisses and hugs and cuddles get to a crazy degree and I worry she'll pull away from me - but she doesn't.
This girl LOVES her momma, I NEVER wonder how much. She lays it all out there for me. Thank God for the differences of people in our lives, and how they seem to balance each other out just right.
Not only do I "get her," I get to keep her.

1 comment:

Jodie said...

Such a sweetie!