Thursday, February 02, 2012


I lived in Colorado only for a short few years, but one thing I loved about it was that I could pull my car over anywhere I wanted, it seemed, and walk around and explore, and that was just fine. I feel like that's one thing about California that I find hard - I feel like there are fences everywhere - at least everywhere I want to explore!
That's why I love where we live - I feel like it's halfway between California and Colorado - there are SO many places to explore so close to home, and when I pull my car off the road and start following some dirt road, I'm surprised and happy to find few fences and lots of open areas. Earlier in January we took the kids out on a very cold day to look for a few geocaches close by. They happened to be in such a cool place, overlooking a part of our little city, and we had so much fun! Who knew we had to drive just minutes and the girls found a "grand canyon" and all sorts of animal tracks, bush caves and other fun stuff. If my kids ran away, I'd look here first!

I'm so happy to live here. Of all the places we could have chosen, I'm so glad we ended up where we are.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is what I love about our city. We are a city, yet kind of out there and have lots of land around us. I'm sure there are loads of exploring place that we'll never even discover!