Monday, January 30, 2012

New Year's Eve

Here we are celebrating New Year's Eve at Jon and Michelle's house - JP, Andrea, Jon, Michelle, me, Bobby, Anne, Julian. Played Headbandz and just did a lot of general sitting around and eating. I LOVED every second.

 My girls and me
 Jon and JP
 Jon and Michelle

 Andrea and JP
Julian and Anne
okay, and these little guys - these are what I made and brought over for one of the desserts - they are rice krispie treats, some formed in mini muffin pans and then drizzled with pink and brown sugar, and some were dipped in Candy Quik vanilla flavor to look like truffles, then drizzled with chocolate - they were SOOOOOOO good! They're so light and fluffy, and covered in chocolate. I don't think I can eat rice krispie treats any other way now!!!! Thank you Pinterest, for giving me yet another good idea!

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