Every so often I actually make something I have an idea for. We made coasters as a craft before Christmas in my mom's group, and it was so cheap and simple, I knew I had to elaborate and make some for family members. Through looking at a few cute Pinterest ideas, I came up with these. I googled outlines and shapes of certain states and countries (places the gift recipients had either lived, had traveled to, or had family they loved living there) and then used Photoshop to make the states black, then placed a little red heart over a specific city or area, then printed on 4x6 photo paper on my printer, then decopauged onto a $0.10 tile from Lowe's. SO cheap and SO easy. Now I want to make myself a set. Each of my sisters in law got a set of five, with areas like California, India, Texas, Paraguay, South Carolina, Connecticut, Nevada and South Africa on them. They have little felt circles on the four corners underneath, too, for protection. I think they turned out
all right for my first time, I don't love them, but I learned a lot, and I think the next batch, if I ever try them, will turn out much better.
What did I learn? LET IT DRY between coats, that's number one. LET IT DRY MORE, that's number two. Less coats of decopauge next time, and more coats of the acrylic laquer on top. Both the decopauge and laquer spray are from Mod Podge. I love that stuff. It's SO forgiving and wonderful.
Also next time I think I'd actually SEND OUT my images and have them printed at Costco through costco.com because the decopauge glue was making my ink on my prints run a bit. I don't think that would happen with REAL printed photos from Costco.
Cameron would die to have those as he is VERY into the states lately! Your Vegas trip sounds sooo fun! One day I'd love to do something like that with Chris. What a great sport/activity that you can do together!! :)
Kelly that's so cute he's into states! I have been reading YOUR blog every single time you update, and lovin' it. Sorry I never comment. I will more, I promise. Not that you wait for my comments, but it's nice to know someone's actually reading it! :)
Wonderful gift idea--thanks!!
Your idea is simple and elegant.I am going make some for host/hostess gifts.
Your blog is wonderful and inspiring. Blessings to you and your family.
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