Friday, November 04, 2011

my trick to a good run

I figured it out - if I have two more feet, I run way better. Those two feet just have to belong to someone else who wants to run, like Bobby, and happens to be running ahead of me the entire time and causes a fire to burn in me to want to beat him! I run a lot by myself, which I actually really like to do, and Grandma, if you're reading this, I promise I am totally safe and run at safe times, etc. I can't control all the other idiots out there, but I can control when and where I run.
Anyway, yesterday on a 6 mile run with Bobby, I realized I continue to run A LOT longer and farther if I'm not alone! What a concept! It was wonderful. Weeks ago I couldn't run a half mile without stopping to complain that I might die. Then suddenly, I was running a mile at a time and feeling good. Then in September, for the first time I ran 2 consecutive miles while we were camping up by Malibu. WHY? Because I was running with boys. Since then, the most I've run again without stopping to walk quickly, then pick back up with my running, was 2.1 miles. Not such a gain.
But yesterday, I ran 2.6 miles without breaking my pace - there was a lot of uphill, and finally I gave in and walked briskly for a few moments, then ran again. In that 6 miles yesterday, I'm happy to say only about .2 or .3 miles of that were walked (briskly) while I fought my inner self and yelled at myself in my head to start running again. The entire 6 miles, my husband who has lost 55+ lbs in this calendar year, NEVER stopped jogging. We ran our six miles together in 68 minutes. It was a triumph, in my mind! I've had longer runs than that - I did an 8 mile the other day, and I need to do an 11 mile this weekend. But yesterday was the most percentage of a run I actually spent "running." Yay.
When I run alone, I bring along my phone and headphones and listen to talk radio or 80s cardio music, or some other pandora mix. Yesterday, because we're so dellusional we thought we'd TALK and run, we brought no music, and I brought no phone. It was WONDERFUL to run with NOTHING in my hands, nothing tucked into my ears, or my top, or my shorts, or my pockets. Nothing weighing me down or distracting me. Did we talk? No. We were too busy breathing. And I was too busy looking at birds on wires, hearing cars and animals and trees and all the sweet sounds of the beautiful town I call home. I love it here.
But here are some of the photos I've taken on my runs lately - gives me a good excuse to stop sometimes and slow down and catch breath...I see a bird and think "Oh I have to take a photo of that bird with my phone's camera. Then I have the strength to run again.

*on a side note, my website hit 5,000 hits yesterday, and that's pretty cool, too.


Kelly(M&M) said...

I love that you are a runner now! I too, love runs with other people. Especially with Jeff. One of my favorite times with Jeff was when we paid a babysitter on Saturdays so we could do our long runs together in training for a half marathon. It was nice to be out together. We talked a little bit, but mostly we just enjoyed being together and being healthy together! When I go to Cali next we need to hook up for a run! I would love the time to catch up! Are you training for something? 8 miles is a long run. Congrats on your accomplishments! Love ya!

Jessy said...

Yes, training for half in december!

Kelly(M&M) said...

That's awesome, Jess! Is this your first half? I just signed up for a half in May. It's Mother's Day weekend and all-women! It is a great race. Good luck with the rest of your training. Glad you are loving it! :-)